The Encyclopedia of Healthy Food and Family Hygiene

Price: $75.00
The price includes postage to be sent by money order to Epidemio-Search, inc.

How to order

For ordering the book, please contact us by e-mail or fax at (514) 385-0711.

Book in the Persian language by Dr. Parviz Ghadirian.

Currently there is no way to get rid of all the symptoms once a person is infected. However, new medicines can slow the damage that HIV causes to the immune system. Furthermore, doctors are getting better at treating the illnesses that are caused by HIV infection. Many people now consider  "HIV" infection a manageable, long-term illness. 

How to order:

For ordering the book,please contact us by e-mail or Fax:(514) 385-0711


Price: $16.00


Book in the Persian language by Dr. Parviz Ghadirian. 

In North America, approximately one in three persons will develop cancer in his or her lifetime and one in four individuals will die of cancer. 

In this book, the author expands on materials that summarize the evidence on the causes of cancer and so set forth a series of strategies to promote the prevention of cancer. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of what we know about cancer risk and preventive measures we can take to reduce the burden of cancer.

How to order:

For ordering the book,please contact us by e-mail or Fax:(514) 385-0711

Price: $30.00




   Some people have been using my name in their communications, web sites, and news letters and have been selling so-called "natural products" indicating my line of products.  This is illegal for they have no connection or collaboration with me and my line of activities.  One of the companies claiming to be my representative and consequently selling products under my name is Health Breakthroughs International.  I have no knowledge regarding these products or their qualities. 

Parviz Ghadirian, Ph.D. 

The information contained in this web site is strictly intended for educational purposes. It is not intended for use as a diagnostic tool, prescription or as a medical advice. Consult your physician for professional advice. 
© 2001 NATURAL REMEDIES COMPANY. All rights reserved.