The 10 most touted healing plants capable of bolstering the immune system are:

Pao Pereira
Uncaria Tomentosa
Red Clover
Achillea Persea Isoflavones(Soy) 
Aloe Vera
Tecoma Curialis
Bosewella Serrata
Green Tea



PAO PEREIRA is a tree native to Brazil. It was Doctor Mirko Beljanski, a former researcher at the Pasteur Institute (France), who first discovered the therapeutic action of pao pereira. His in vitro laboratory tests demonstrated that pao pereira extract effectively suppressed the proliferation of HIV, herpes viruses, cancer, and leukemia cells. From these encouraging results, Doctor Beljanski concluded that pao pereira could be useful in the fight against Aids, herpes, and cancer.

In 1992, pao pereira was tested both in vitro and in double blind trials by Professors Jackertz and Chermann at the INSERM (Marseille), by Professor Andrieux at the Laennec Hospital, and by Doctor Dumas at the INSERM (Paris). According to their findings, pao pereira proved to be an effective, non-toxic medication. Already back in 1985, Les Annales Pharmaceutiques françaises (no. 1) had published the results of an in vivo study on mice conducted at the Faculty of Medicine and the Pharmacological Institute of Liège (Belgium), showing pao pereira's antimitotic activity (i.e. capacity to stop cancer cells from replicating).

In 1990/91, Professor Donnado at the Montpellier University Hospital obtained authorization from the French Ethics Committee on Clinical Trials to carry out human in vivo trials with pao pereira. He administered the plant to ten patients infected with HIV and displaying pre-Aids symptoms.

In 1993, Doctor Monique Hérold, a pharmacologist specializing in toxicology, published a report on 63 Aids patients who had undergone testing with pao pereira over an average time-span of 29 months. The results of both research projects showed a net increase in T4 lymphocytes, the absence of opportunistic infections, and, in the case of Monique Hérold's results, a much lower mortality rate than the known average mortality rate.

Unfortunately, these two human studies were not carried out in compliance with the generally accepted rule of double blind trials and comparative testing with a placebo and another medication with similar properties such as AZT. Therefore, the results obtained are not regarded as official scientific evidence.


UNCARIA TOMENTOSA is a plant occurring on the high mountain plateaux of the Peruvian Andes. Another plant with the same name, growing wild in Chile and Mexico but not having the same medicinal properties, may be readily mistaken for the Peruvian uncaria tomentosa. Between 1984 and 1989, the Peruvian surgeon and oncologist at the Rebagliati Martin IPSS Hospital in Lima, Felipe Mirez Melgareho, was conducting an intensive research program on uncaria tomentosa and its therapeutic effectiveness.

On the subject of medicinal plants, Doctor Felipe Mirez Melgarejo stated that "the use of medicinal plants and the new meaning given to nutrition allow for a different, more positive vision of disease management. We now have a variety of non-invasive ways likely to improve the patients' overall health."

Clinical trials with uncaria tomentosa showed that, in 13% of all patients, primary tumours stabilized first. In 9%, metastasis in organ tissues stopped developing; in 7%, metastasis in bone tissues stopped spreading; and in 3%, metastasis in skin tissue stopped growing.

Life expectancy for all patients with advanced cancer was anywhere between 18 and 24 months. Among those patients who lived up to 2 years, 78% had malignant lymphoma; 80%, prostate cancer; 57%, leukemia; 51%, gastric cancer; 48%, ovarian cancer; 43%, rhabdomyosarcoma; 32%, cervical cancer; 23%, lung cancer; 48%, breast cancer. Life expectancy could be extended up to 5 years for those patients who had received treatment prior to reaching the full-blown stage of their disease. Among those, 50% had prostate cancer; 43%, rhabdomyosarcoma; 43%, leukemia; 24%, ovarian cancer; 21%, gastric cancer.

Mechanism of action:
Pharmacological studies of the chemical principle of uncaria tomentosa revealed that the plant acts on both the intra and extra cellular level. Uncaria tomentosa is known to:

  1. fight inflammation
  2. stop mitosis of cancer cells (antimitotic)
  3. increase granulocytes and macrophages 
  4. stop invasion of cancer cells
  5. inhibit proliferation of cancer cells
  6. enhance phagocytose of macrophages.

Red clover

RED CLOVER is a member of the pea family. Its active constituents are isoflavones, flavonoids, coumarin, resins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) and vitamins (niacin, thiamine). Laboratory research has shown that red clover is cholagogue, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and bactericidal, supportive of the immune system, and mildly estrogenic. Red clover has a longstanding reputation for treating skin conditions (inflammations, rashes, psoriasis, eczema) and is of invaluable help in respiratory problems and bladder infections.

The Chinese prized red clover for its ability to soothe rheumatism pains and fight cancer. Red clover combined with chaparral has a traditional use in the United States for staving off cancer.

Red clover is also thought to be an excellent blood purifier.

CURCUMIN extract derived from Turmeric

Numerous studies have demonstrated that turmeric is capable of inhibiting the formation and development of cancerous tumours. Turmeric not only restricts the growth of existing tumours, but-according to results obtained from research projects sponsored by the American Institute for Cancer Research-also prevents certain cancers such as stomach, colon, oral esophageal, breast, and skin cancer. When mice were given chemical substances to induce stomach and colon cancer, only the mice pre-treated with turmeric developed smaller and less malignant tumours. Curcumin extract administered to mice during and after exposure to carcinogens was found to be an effective cancer-preventing agent (Handbook of Medicinal Herbs by Leigh Broadhurst and James Duke).


ELEUTHEROCOCCUS is a shrub native to the Russian Far East. Its therapeutic properties have first been studied by a number of Russians scientists who administered the plant to members of the army. Eleutherococcus was mainly used to protect and normalize the body functions of patients undergoing heavy drug treatment like chemo- and radiotherapy. It was noted that patients had more energy and were less prone to experience the undesirable after effects of chemotherapy. In general, recovery time was much shorter. While carrying out clinical experiments with Eleutherococcus, Russian doctors also discovered that this plant was capable of inhibiting metastasis. Cancer patients who were receiving Eleutherococcus lived much longer than those who did not.

Achillea Persea

ACHILLEA PERSEA is an Iranian species of the Achillea millefolium genus. Traditional use of Achillea persea against serious illnesses in ancient Persia attracted the attention of researchers interested in studying this plant's therapeutic effects on the immune system. Up to this day, Iranians still recommend Achillea persea in the fight against cancer.

Achillea persea contains essential oils, cineol, pro-azulene, achilleine, salicylic acid, tannins, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, and vitamin C. Herbalists praise Achillea persea for its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, carminative, astringent, antispasmodic, stomachic, and bactericidal action. Experimental work done on mice by Canadian researchers confirmed the plant's therapeutic importance in the treatment of some cancers. Like its other species, Achillea persea is endowed with a wide range of medicinal properties. It supports vein health, relieves heavy legs, haemorrhoids and the after effects of phlebitis. Achillea persea is used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea, and, thanks to its hemostatic action, it is also used for metrorrhagia.

Recent animal experiments conducted in Canadian laboratories have demonstrated that Achillea persea inhibits the growth of cancerous tumours thanks to its anti-angiogenic activity.


ISOFLAVONES are natural substances found in high concentrations in soy. Scientists succeeded in isolating a number of active constituents that give soybeans their tremendous biochemical energy. Among these are genistein, daidzein, phytates, saponins, phytosterols, phenolic acid and lecithin-all known for their ability to inhibit proteases (protein-splitting enzymes associated with the spreading of cancer). 

Another biologically active constituent is the Bowman-Birk inhibitor which also intervenes in preventing proteases. According to Ann Kennedy, a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, research showed that the Bowman-Birk inhibitor is so potent, it is called the "universal anti-cancer agent." 

Isoflavones are of astounding therapeutic versatility. They are highly useful in reducing blood cholesterol, regulating hormone balance, warding off osteoporosis and preventing certain cancers from appearing thanks to several protective mechanisms of action, one of which is angiogenesis. The most remarkable of all isoflavones is genistein. Researchers found that genistein plays a crucial role in the protection against cancer, as it is capable of deploying its therapeutic activity at almost every stage of this disease.

The results obtained with genistein are very promising. Genistein inhibits the manufacture of specific proteins (stress proteins) malignant tumours need to guard them against attacks from the immune system. A study published in 1998 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggested that genistein would make an excellent adjuvant to chemo- and radiotherapy. An earlier study published in 1996 demonstrated that genistein blocks tyrosine kinase, an enzyme tumours generate to counteract apoptosis (pre-programmed cell death), which is a mechanism that occurs in every healthy cell to make way for fresh cells.

Genistein is not only capable of blocking proteases but also capable of preventing the budding of new capillary blood vessels (angiogenesis), which provide tumours with nutrients, thus helping them to thrive. Furthermore, there is mounting evidence that genistein slows down the development of all types of cancer. Its ability to neutralize human hormones makes extremely helpful in the treatment of hormone-dependent cancers like breast cancer and cancer of the prostate (based on Jean Carper's book Stop Aging Now).


ALOE VERA is a tropical plant well known for its laxative and cholagogue properties. Aloe vera is also known to be a strong healer of the skin and mucous membranes. Its main constituents are polysaccharides, including glucomannan, anthraquinones, glycoproteins, sterols, saponins, organic acids, and selenium.

Used externally, aloe vera heals burns, smoothes wrinkles, and clears up a variety of skin conditions. Taken internally, aloe vera soothes irritation of mucous membranes, helps treat peptic ulcers and prostatitis. Aloe vera is also thought to balance hormone functions thanks to its estrogenic and revitalizing action (Ayurvedic medicine). 

There is some reason to believe that aloe vera is also an effective cancer-preventing agent.


TECOMA CURIALIS, also called lapacho or ipe roxo, is a tree growing in the Amazonian rain forest. In phytomedicine, the bark is greatly valued for boosting the immune system. It is rich in minerals and trace elements like calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and zinc.

Active principles

  • 16 quinones: naphtoquinones, anthraquinones 
  • Flavonoids: lapachenol, quercetin, hydrobenzoic acid, tecomin, taiguic acid, xyloidin

Therapeutic action

  • encourages blood regeneration 
  • enhances immune system 
  • kills fungi, bacteria, and viruses 
  • removes toxins and poisonous micro-organisms


BOSWELLIA SERRATA is a plant occurring mainly in India and China. Extensive clinical research conducted on this plant by Dr. James Braly (Florida) confirmed that boswellia serrata is endowed with a great number of medicinal properties. Boswellia serrata extracts are chiefly used for their anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory action. Boswellia serrata also helps remove excess fat circulating in the blood, prevents atherosclerosis, restores liver function, eases pain (analgesic), lowers fever (antipyretic), and kills bacteria.

The therapeutic action of resin alcohol extracts made from boswellia serrata was tested on mice presenting induced Ehrlich ascites and S-180 tumours. Researchers observed that cancerous tumours receded and life expectancy increased.


GREEN TEA is the freshest, least processed type of tea and very popular in the Far East, where it is consumed in large amounts. Green tea is rich an antioxidants called polyphenols. Catechin, part of the polyphenol group, has been recognized as a potent anti-cancer agent. The most powerful of all polyphenols yet is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), an extremely powerful cancer-preventing agent.

A study published in 1994 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute pointed out that those Japanese who regularly drink green tea diminish their risk of developing cancer of the esophagus by 60%. As well, Japanese smokers who drink green tea reduce lung cancer risk by 45%. This seems to explain why Japan has the lowest percentage of lung cancer while registering the highest percentage of smokers in the developed world. 

Polyphenols are amazing anti-cancer phytochemicals, as they counteract this disease at all its stages, from initiation to full-blown progression. A study at the Saitana Cancer Centre in Japan revealed that green tea, when consumed in sufficient amounts (at least 10 cups a day), dramatically slows down the spreading of cancer.

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